November 30th St Andrew’s Day



Duncan Mouse is a Scottish mouse with strong connections to a church in the Highlands.

Over the years he has had the run of the place and while it is definitely safer for him at night with no humans about, Duncan enjoys the busyness of a Sunday morning when the organ starts and the humans sing and special things happen.

And this… this is his most favourite time of the year.

The days might be dark, but Duncan has the Advent light to light up the darkness.

Duncan stands

And stares

And ponders…

“It’s a braw bricht moonlicht nicht the nicht” he says to himself (translation: it’s a beautifully bright moonlit night tonight).

“But my Advent light”, he thinks, “is very different from the moonlight.  It’s different from torchlight too. Advent is about a light that shines not just around, but within!” – Duncan it seems, had listened to many Advent sermons, then he smiled to himself.

“A glow mouse!” he thought, “that’s what I am!  A glow mouse.” And when the time-switch plunged the church into darkness, Duncan’s grin was still visible and he felt strangely happy.

After a long sigh, he ran down the pulpit steps and crossed over to the organ where he slipped under the footboard, snuggled down and closed his eyes.

“A glow mouse. Sharing a bit of light…  Oo” Duncan thought, “I like that” and he drifted off to sleep dreaming of fellow mice warmed by his glow.


Come Lord Jesus

Light up our lives

And the life of this world.

Come to shed light within

as well as without.

Come to bring hope

And to give us the courage to live in it.  Amen

Author: ascottishchurchmouse

a parish minister in Dornoch Cathedral in the far north of Scotland a congregation of the Church of Scotland. Chaplain too, to the Queen in Scotland

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